NFT Mania

Thi Tra Giang Nguyen

This island is based on a blockchain technology system. If you can sell your art on this island, congratulations! Many people visit the island in hopes of finding their own treasure. But not everyone knows where they are going. Is this island just for art lovers or a new mask for financial investors? Are you really investing in the future … or are you just getting lost in a new frenzy? Is this island hype or the future? Visit NFT Mania and immerse yourself in its insane beauty. Where everything is new and chaotic, where there are opportunities and risks.


1. SEEING IS BELIEVING The first step is to make the invisible visible. The more technology develops, the less we notice it: be it a slim smartphone in our trouser pocket, a smart toothbrush in the bathroom or a flashing light on a WiFi router. We adjust to our technology to make our lives easier and more efficient, but when we’re more connected we may lose sight of what’s really going on behind our screens. So how do you see through the technology smog? While CO2 emissions from electricity can vary widely, there are still a few things you can do. First, try out some visual cues to help you remember the energy industry that powers your screen.


2. STREAM WISELY Smartphones in and of themselves are not big energy guzzlers, but data traffic leaves the biggest carbon footprint. The flow, storage, and consumption of data account for more than half of the global environmental impact of digital technology, and that number is increasing by 25% every year. More than half of the data emissions come from streaming online videos, especially high definition videos and on-demand streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Taken together, internet videos and online games are projected to account for 87% of consumer internet traffic in 2022. So what can you do?

3. REUSE AND RECYCLING Now that you’ve learned how to reduce your data footprint, it’s time to turn to your hardware – the mercury, lead, copper, and lithium materials that make up your devices. Even though people have been holding onto their devices longer than they were in 2016, e-waste is still a huge problem. Only 17.4% of the world’s e-waste is recycled and the rest ends up in landfills, incinerated or ends up in countries like China, Nigeria, Pakistan and Ghana, where labor costs are lower.


4. CAUTION People get new gadgets for a variety of reasons – because their network company is offering them an early upgrade plan, because they were given it, because they just can’t resist a new gadget. But how often do we stop wondering if we really need them? The human labor that goes into making new devices like an Amazon Echoes is often much bigger and more widespread than we think. Taking care of your devices is an easy and sustainable way to reduce your carbon footprint, and what better way to avoid contributing to e-waste than taking care of your device while you still have it? According to the managing director of a company that helps people repair their own devices, there are important features to keep track of – data storage and battery capacity.


5. SPREAD THE WORD Now that you have considered your own digital footprint, how can you get your friends and family to do the same? There is a growing awareness of what the tech industry, governments and consumers can do to prevent the growth of digital technologies from harming our environment. It may seem overwhelming to think of this planetary problem in terms of your tiny smartphone or laptop, but remember that we can make a world of difference if enough of us commit to taking small steps to reduce our digital footprint Companies.




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